Wednesday 13 February 2013

Nature journalling

Nature journalling...I so love this idea and did it on a small scale when Tiger was young.  We went out once at the beginning of each season to collect things that related to spring or autumn etc. 

These pictures are not good, but they show bits we collected along with a leaf rubbing, drawings of a leaf and a drawing of a piece of wood we found.  I found these old scrapbooks in the cupboard and wondered why I wasn't doing the same with Cricket.  They bring back such sweet memories and I am so happy to have kept them.  Time to start again with the little one.

Here is another drawing that Tiger did after one of our walks to the park.

Hard to see, but it shows the canal, a bridge, duck pond with ducks, bread in the water, bull rushes, wild grass and rabbits. 
 I have just bought a book called 15 minutes outside by Rebecca Cohen.  I am still reading it, but wow, this is amazing and so full of inspiring ideas.  If anyone has kids who are stuck indoors and bored due to bad weather, then this is the book to get ...she advises to get outside every day regardless of the weather conditions.  Her one observation was that the kids don't fight when they are outside on some adventure...they are just happy and invariably working together.  Love it! 

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