Wednesday 6 February 2013


As a complete technophobe, setting up a blog is a hairy business.  I am sure it will be decades before mine looks like other blogs out there.  Firstly, an name is Jo and I am an expat mom from South Africa and living in the Netherlands.  We have two boys, Tiger, aged 6 and Cricket, aged 2...not their real names of course.  The main reason for blogging is to have an online diary for faraway family members and friends who are interested in what we are getting up to.  Plus I am hoping it will motivate me to get things done in amongst the morass of laundry and other thrilling domesticated stuff.   Mainly though it is just general musings or just putting the odd thing on that inspires me.  A lot of it will probably be kids crafts in the hope that it will provide ideas to others.

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