Tuesday 8 October 2013

Pumpkin pinch pots

We had a quiet day today as the smallest is not that well and the oldest is on school holidays.  We managed to remain in our pyjamas all day long....so wonderful.  As pumpkin fever is taking a grip, I decided to try something I saw on pinterest and it came from the chocolatemuffintree website, namely pumpkin pinch pots made out of air drying clay.

 Okay, so I divided a block of airdry clay amongst the two boys and we started off by squishing it into a round ball.  We took off a small amount  to make the little lid with stalk.  Then we pushed our thumb into the round ball and hollowed the inside out to make a round pot.  We used a cocktail prikker to score lines down the pot and on the lid.  We then poked out eyes, nose and grim looking mouth.  We left them to dry (or like us if you get impatient, you can dry them in the oven ..not more than 200 deg celcius for half an hour).  We then painted them with acrylic paint and tomorrow I am going to buy modge podge to give them a nice shiny glaze.

They turned out fantastically...well pleased.

Just added on the glazed photo at the end..cute huh!

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