Thursday 10 October 2013

Chocolate Rice Crispies

Some days you have to fall of the wagon diet-wise and today was one of them.  As it is school holiday, I wanted a short and easy baking activity for the kids.  We made chocolate rice crispies as follows...

100g dark chocolate
50g butter (can feel my arteries hardening)
3 Tbsp syrup
100g rice crispies (about 4 cups)

Melt the chocolate, butter and syrup on a low temp and mix with the crispies.  Put into cupcake holders and refrigerate for a short while.

We then had to exercise off all this sugar and went for a long walk to the park with the boys on their step and plastic motorcycle.

It was a puddle jumping and mushroom finding day.  The park is gorgeous at this time of year...I love it.

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