Thursday 26 September 2013

pumpkin and Apple Soup

Here is a quick Pumpkin and Apple Soup recipe.  I am so enjoying making soups at the's still a new thing for me so when I make one and it is delicious I get really excited.  The most exciting thing is how easy this one was to make.  I almost feel like I didn't make it and and am cheating somehow.  I found this easy pumkin soup recipe in the NetMums "Feeding Kids" cookbook and I was reluctant to change it in any way as why mess with perfection,  but I added an apple as we have so many of the blighters and it turned out scrumptious.

Pumpkin and Apple Soup Recipe

2Tbsp Olive Oil
1 Medium Onion, chopped
1 Garlic Clove, chopped
1 box frozen Pumkin pieces 450g (found mine at Albert Heijn)
2 chicken or veg stock cubes in a litre of boiling water
1 Apple, peeled and chopped...optional
1tsp tumeric....optional

Fry the onion and garlic in the olive oil till translucent.  Add the frozen pumpkin, apple pieces and tumeric and cook for five minutes.  Add the stock and simmer until the pumkin is tender.  Blend it all together and serve.

Recommended to serve with hot buttered toast and a bowl of grated cheddar cheese to throw on the toast or the soup...yum!  I have never seen my kids so excited about lunch and never seen so much food go down the hatch.  I think I heard the work "delicious" a hundred times = happy mommy!

 I forgot to add the apple in the picture..but very simples

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