Tuesday, 24 September 2013

How bad can an "afspraak" be?

In the Netherlands the kids "afspreek" with one another...or make playdates with one another whilst at school and most days you have a request to have a child in your home or for your child to go off with some random stranger.  Firstly, it always amazes me that despite me being the strange foreign lady who should be avoided at all costs, the other moms/dads are very keen to offload their kids onto me.  That's a whole other issue, but we don't have all day.  I am actually getting quite fond of these playdates as generally the kids are easy and they let Cricket, the small one, join in with them and be one of the big guys.   Because Tiger is reluctant to go to other houses, I end up with kids in our house most days.  Firstly the ride home from school with this newly obtained person is extremely exciting.  I am always amazed I get home accident-free.  Who knew that three kids could make that much noise.  I am sure people fall off their bikes in fright as the noise machine goes past.  Today, we had a boy that decided it was a good idea to throw the library books around the car and some came flying through to the front.  Of course the others could not resist throwing them back and a book fight ensued.  Okay so the playdate was pure stress from beginning to end and involved broken bottles, drawers and cupboards being emptied, stuff taken out the garage, etc.  The parents did not look impressed that I mentioned bad behaviour.  Ha!  How to make yourself even more unpopular as if being english is not enough.  I actually remember a horror story in the summer where I left the room and came back to the sprinkler INDOORS and sprinkling away.  Almost died!  Feeling quite tired now, so time to put naughty boys to bed.  Night night.

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