Tuesday 30 May 2017

Het Zand in Alphen

We often go for a walk around the lake at Het Zand in Alphen.  It is probably about 2km so not too long for kids.  What I love the most is the change in the seasons.  Here are some photos of a misty freezing walk where the ice was thick on the lake - children had lots of fun throwing stickes and stones on the ice.

In Spring it is beautiful with wild flowers.

Wildflowers were collected...

 Some sort of hideous "tea" was made with the flowers

A few tadpoles were collected...

Of course in summer it is great for swimming and playing in the sand.  If it is a hot day it is completely packed - not ideal in my book.  A few weeks ago it was 20 degrees, but the sun was shining and so we went with friends for a cake picnic and swimming - the water was quite fresh and full of tadpoles.  A super afternoon was had by all.

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