Wednesday 28 January 2015

A lounge fort

Cricket has Wednesdays off school and so today we built a large fort.  It is pretty miserable outside (lashing rain and howling wind) and Cricket was tired as he is still recovering from a really bad dose of flu.  Something quiet was on the cards.  His favourite activity is building forts and usually it something quite small using one washing rack and I though something a bit bigger might make his day. 

Out came the Christmas lights that have just been packed away, the duvets, pillows, two drying racks, soft toys and lots of blankets.  We read stories in there, he played his ds game in there and this evening after swimming and tennis, they waited for dinner in there, watching tv from the doorway.  Two very happy faces.  Dad is away is Asia so I will leave it up for a few days ...the only problem is that I can't see the TV unless I sit in the fort.  Oh dear.

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