Friday 19 December 2014

German Christmas Market - Dusseldorf

I am so pleased we managed to get to a Christmas market this festive season.  It is becoming a tradition to do this every year and it is amazing.  Last year we did Aachen and this year Dusseldorf.  I have to say though that Dusseldorf was INSANELY busy.  Nevertheless it was fun to set out on an adventure with a car picnic of tostis and flasks of tea.  The kids were just thrilled to be going somewhere.  We did not buy much as getting to the stalls was problematic and the queues were long.  We did manage to find an un-busy gluwein stall though and got mugs of this and hot chocolate for the kids.  After alcohol and some Bradworst rolls we were in a fine mood - not so grumpy with the crowds and we meandered around for ages enjoying the atmosphere and the Christmas lights.  I did not get many pics of the actual market which is a shame, but here are some of us having gluwein etc.

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