Friday 27 November 2015

Vegetable Garden

I have wanted an allotment for some time and after finally adding myself to the waiting list, my husband decided to get some vegetable boxes (6 to be exact) so we could try it out in the garden.  It has been fun to do and yielded quite a bit.  Next year though I will plant differently as I now realise there are some crops that need a longer summer and more heat than the Netherlands provides, eg. peppers and aubergines.  My salads however, did really well and through the summer we had fresh picked butter lettuce straight from the garden.  My tomatoes also did well, but only because I started planting inside in about February.  Eventually they were too big to keep indoors and I had to put them out and luckily the cold weather did not kill them.  Other crops that did well was cabbage, potatoes and beans. 

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