Sunday 17 November 2013

Baking Pepernoten

It is mid-November, which means that Sinterklaas is almost upon us once again.  I have to say, it is so hard for me to get excited about this with the kids as it is not my cultural thing...I just want to start planning my Christmas and getting excited about that.  Slowly and surely though I will get into it for the children's sake.  Already Tiger is singing Sinterklaas songs all day long, drawing pictures to go in his shoe and talking non-stop about it.  One thing I do love doing at this time of year though, is baking pepernoten.  They are small spicy biscuits.  We did some today for Christian's nursery class and here is the recipe..


2 cups self-raising flour
1 cup brown castor sugar
100g soft butter
50ml milk
1.5 tsp spekulaas spice

Heat the oven to 170 degrees C.  Put all ingredients in a bowl and hand mix thoroughly.  Form small balls and place on a baking tray spread with baking paper.  Flatten the balls slightly.  Bake for about 15 minutes.


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